Chapter 4: Artistic skills for ecology

This fourth educational chapter is designed, tested and evaluated from April 2024 to September 2024. 

In a kind of boomerang effect, the artistic partners propose to pool their artistic skills to inspire ecology and contribute to the transition. Use creative tools to design projects in a collective ecological approach.

These modules are co-designed by the 8 Cake partners.

  • Design thinking workshop for young people.

    Transplanisphere and Consol theater will pool their methods of workshops for students based on design thinking, applied to transition.

  • Workshop on the thread of water in an urban versus rural environment. 

    Ohi Pezoume and Teatro Rigodon will draw a parallel between two artistic and citizen experiences (Athens and Rieti) based on waterways and their ecological value.

  • Co-writing a desirable narrative on ecological transition.

    Ex Quorum and Shift project and its associated partner La Poursuite du Bleu share a common interest in writing documentary dramas related to social ecology in rural or remote areas.

  • Workshop on the movements of living organisms.

    Pro Progressionne and Le sas are working on the movement of pollens and migrating populations. They will imagine a sequence on these convergences of the expression of the living as a creative field.

Each exemplary model will give rise to an educational sequence in 3 parts:

  1. acquisition of knowledge and discussion of the artistic experiences under discussion
  2. meeting with artists and scientists, questions and answers about these inspiring experiments
  3. Ideation workshop to convert these discoveries into proposals adapted to the context of the organisations. Encourage the emergence of new sustainable projects through a concrete co-creation process.

The process of creating these 4 modules will show the creative strength of the partners and the art-ecology bridges as a source of inspiration towards transition.