Green Fablab


What is Fablab? How does it operate?
How sustainable is it?
What can we learn from it? 


Fablabs is short for Fabrication Laboratories.  They  are collaborative spaces equipped with various tools and machines. 

The concept was theorised in 2004 by Neil Gershenfeld, director of the Centre for Bits and Atoms, at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). 

Always in expansion everywhere in the world, there are currently more than 2,500 fablabs across 125 countries.
They allow everyone, whether they already know how or not, to create just about anything they can imagine.

Fablabs embody the principles of open access and collaboration. Everybody can open a fablab without constraint, except the one on the international charter.
A Fablab is a user-centric initiative which means it is designed to be an inclusive space where people from diverse backgrounds can come together to learn, experiment, and innovate. 

Learn about Fablabs through a 3-hour workshop-class.
First session is about knowledge of the basics
Second session offers to share experts testimonies
Third session is dedicated to ideation: how to transform this knowledge into practical projects 

Fablab knowledge session

Acquisition of knowledge and discussion on the reference system and its specificities

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Fablab Expert session

Meeting with experts and questions and answers on inspiring examples

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Fablab Ideation session

Appropriation of the new shared values through a concrete co-creation process

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