Chapter 1. Ecological reference tools

This first educational chapter is designed, tested and evaluated from October 2022 to April 2023.

4 modules of 3 sessions will be created to explore the international benchmarks that are:

These guidelines were not designed for our consortium. Four of the project partners will examine them and undertake a conception task. They will translate them for the cultural sector and design effective pedagogical modules for knowledge acquisition and then drivers for creation and ideation. They will also ensure that their work has generic value so that it can be used by others.


Each reference system will give rise to a teaching sequence in 3 parts:

  1. acquisition of knowledge and discussion on the reference system and its specificities
  2. meeting with experts and questions and answers on inspiring examples
  3. Ideation workshop to convert this learning into proposals inspired by the reference framework crossed with the context of the organisations. This phase will encourage the appropriation of the new shared values through a concrete co-creation process.

The process of creating these 4 modules should contribute to the overall objective of the project in that it will create a knowledge base on which the participants will build to ensure their deep commitment to the need to design their future projects in a sustainable way. 


It will also enable them to structure their approach to the various fields of transition, and in particular the technical, social and philosophical levels. 

Finally, it will make them aware of their role in writing an ecological transition that is being written in cooperation at the European and global levels.

This chapter is therefore the vector for the first gain in skills of the partners’ teams in the area of transition, both on the side of the young ambassadors and on the side of the senior professionals who are permanent members of the teams.