#1 IPCC Reports Knowledge Session

The knowledge session is the first module of the IPPC sequence.
It is designed to allow the participants to understand the general framework of the referential through a reverse-learning process. 

This workshop aims to 

  • Introduce participants to the IPPC reports and their significance within the cultural sector
  • Explore how artistic and cultural organisations can use the data provided for their missions.
  • Discuss the impact of artistic practices in addressing the reports guidelines.
  • Highlight examples of how cultural products can contribute to positive change 

During the first part of the workshop, participants are presented with the short 10’ video made by the team about the IPCC and its examples on their role and importance within cultural sector in different levels:

  • Challenges addressed

  • Involved actors

  • Associated projects

After,  45 minutes are dedicated to reflections and discussions based on their own experience
  • How might the IPCC and the cultural sector be connected?
  • What role could the cultural sector play in solving climate problems, and should it even play a role?
  • How can we get the cultural sector more involved in protecting the climate?

Draw the IPPC (13')

Discover and learn about the IPCC with the Consol Theater team:  Eva Hausberg, Eva Klaka, Lars Detke, Georg Kentrup et Rosanna Frütshe